To impart globally competitive technical education, enhance human values and to provide a research atmosphere to the socially challenged aspirants.
Providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation, inculcating state of the art engineering practices and cutting edge research ambience that leads to societal upliftment with ethical values through effective teaching – learning methodologies and appropriate information communication tools via dedicated faculty to the aspirants.
Quality Policy
We are committed to provide top quality education at the prescribed costs and impart ethical values to the students of this region using modern and innovative teaching methods combined with experienced faculties. We shall truly strive to make the students socially responsible and contribute to the rapid growth of our country. |
Our Motto – Seek, Strive, Succeed.
SEEK, STRIVE, and SUCCEED … the motto of KCE, follows the path shown by our great kings in continuing our tradition of engineering excellence. KCE with its high aims, planned approach, highly skilled staff and state of the art infrastructure is the hub for students with goals set to shape up their careers. |